What type of STEM job fits you the best!

Take this quiz to see what type of job you would be best for in the STEM feild.

Depending on your anwsers, points will be added up to get the job that would corralate best with the awnsers

Please only select One anwser per question for the best result

Question 1: How good are you at solving mathamatical problems or equations?

Question 2: Can you work well with in a team?

Question 3: Do you know how to work with physical objects like chemicals or metal?

Question 4: Would you rather learn about new things or use what you already know to solve a problem?

Question 5: Do you like to see the result of your work immediately?

Question 6: What type of project would you like to work on the most?

Question 7: Are you willing to move around in your career?

Question 8: What gets you the most excited?

Please Press the button to find out what what job you should have.